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Sep 1, 2008


Kris Moore has announced the availability of the first beta release of PC-BSD 7.0, a user-friendly desktop operating system based on FreeBSD 7.0: "The PC-BSD team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of PC-BSD version 7-BETA1! This release marks the first PC-BSD based on FreeBSD 7-STABLE and the KDE 4.1 desktop, and also provides many new ways to install, including DVD, USB and network/Internet installation choices. Our PBI site has also been updated with a wide variety of software ready for PC-BSD 7, with more being added weekly. This release is beta, which means things are still being worked on and fixed in preparation for the final release. Users are encouraged to report bugs to our bug database or our testing mailing list." More information can be found in the release announcement, release notes and changelog. Download the installation DVD image from here: PCBSD7-x86-BETA1-DVD.iso (1,989MB, MD5, torrent).

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